Research Support Centre
Technology Platforms



Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB)

IMCB has state-of-the-art Magnetic Resonance (MR) (9.4 Tesla and 11.7 Tesla) scanners for preclinical imaging. In addition, our 11.7 Tesla Biospec has a superconducting CryoProbe, giving advanced image quality (SNR) even for the most demanding applications...Find out more

Light Microscopy by A*STAR Microscopy Platform (AMP)

Part of A*STAR Microscopy Platform, a founding member of SingaScope - a Singapore-wide microscopy infrastructure network. The Light Microscopy division of A*STAR Microscopy Platform (AMP|LM) provides expert staff and a wide range of light microscopy instrumentation and image analysis tools, facilitating research in the biomedical sciences... Find out more