Global BioImaging (GBI) together with its partners in Singapore, SingaScope, is jointly organizing a course focused on facility management. The course is open to imaging core facility directors, managers and staff as well as imaging scientists from imaging labs that offer access to imaging technologies. The course will feature in-person and remote speakers and provide opportunities for the participants to network with each other and the faculty. Topics include how to measure impacts of imaging core facilities, career development in imaging cores, imaging core facility operations, user training, enhancing staff’s teaching skills as part of the train-the-trainer concept, training resources in microscopy aimed at independent learning, and others. For more information, please refer to |
Please note that the advanced microscopy course practical sessions are chargeable at: *Public sector - SGD240 (A*STAR staff are exempted from GST) *Private sector - SGD380 *Cost shown are before GST. Seminars are free of charge. For registration for practical or seminars only, please visit: | |
Image Processing & Analysis with ImageJ / FIJI (Basic Course, runs on demand) Fiji is an image processing package of open-source software ImageJ. During this 2 afternoon course, we will focus on images from life sciences. Click on poster on left for more details. At end of course, course participants will gain experience to use Fiji on their own data.
Please note that the ImageJ course is chargeable at: Public sector - SGD240 (A*STAR staff are exempted from GST) Private sector - SGD380 *cost shown is before GST | |
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