Custom VereChip™ Multiplex PCR Microarray Lab-on-Chip |
Meeting your specific requirements |
Building on our VerePLEX™ Biosystem, Veredus Laboratories offers the capability to develop custom assays and microarrays to meet the needs of our customers. The chip design service ranges from full in-house assay development to providing guidance to customers on porting their own assays and experiments on to our Lab-on-Chip platform. We are also actively seeking potential collaborators to develop novel assay panels which will revolutionize how experiments are done. For any interest to customize new panels or existing VereChip™ panels, eg. VereFluPlus™ and VereThreat™, please contact us at |
Packages Available |
Full Development Package | Spotting Capability |
Comprises of full development of new product including feasibility study, complete design of the lab-on-chip and internal verification studies with the deliverable of a final kit. | Offers Veredus lab-on-chip as a multiplexing platform for research and testing. Includes chip spotting and customized software design. Final deliverables include spotted chips and customized software. |
Customer to provide: Intended UseOptional: List of pathogens targets, genes, gene sequences and reagents | Customer to provide:List of Pathogen TargetsList of GenesSpecific Gene SequencesOptional: Reagents |
For further enquiries on the service, email us at |